by Cindy Jungman, SDSU Extension Master Gardener
Container #3:
Majestic fountain grass paired with cascading vinca plants makes such a statement!
• (1) Purple Fountain Grass
• (6) Vinca “Cora Cascade Apricot”
• Fountain grass will grow as large as your container allows. Select a good-sized container with an ample amount of soil.
• Do not use a container that is narrow at the bottom as it will be subject to blowing over. A container such as the barrel shown in this photo has a wider base and will not blow over.
• The root system of the fountain grass is extensive and requires a lot of water.
• Vinca plants have two growth habits – upright and cascading. I have used a cascading variety for this container. Common cascading varieties are Cora Cascade and Mediterranean.
• I use a DIY plant support ring around my fountain grass to lift the blades above the soil and allow the vinca to grow without being smothered. To make the support ring, I purchase an inexpensive small tomato cage and cut it off above the lowest ring. Place the ring around the grass about 4”-6” above the soil. As the grass grows, pull the new blades up through the support ring.
• Click here to go to a PDF version of this post. https://sdsu.box.com/s/t69wr81g2nafgjvnjtf0fb7u6jyfokxc